“Until Canada gives Indigenous people their land back there can never be reconciliation”, according to Art Manuel. Please read further here. Indigenous mapping and planning provides a pathway to reconciliation if community-led and incorporated into public policy. There should be no barriers to Indigenous constitutional and legal rights to ensure indigenous self-determination and United Nations Human Rights are respected.
The Lay of the Land: First Nation Land Use Research Aims to Change the Way We Look at a Map of Manitoba

Someday soon, Anita Olsen Harper believes we will look at a map of Manitoba a whole lot differently. The map won’t simply delineate the province’s borders, its lakes, rivers and roads. In fact, it will show much more than geographical features or the location of municipalities.
Visions for the Land: Garden Hill First Nation
Use and Occupancy Mapping Guide and Research Design Created by 7 First Nation communities
Presentation: Planning for Community Development based on Ancestral Land Use in First Nation Communities in Eastern Manitoba
Click here to view full presentation.
Partners in Progress: Research Manitoba Teams Up With Mitacs to Support Innovative Projects
Research Manitoba has a mandate to promote, support and co-ordinate the funding of scientific inquiry in the areas of health, natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities. In order to fulfill its mission, the provincial funding body often partners with government and non-government agencies and groups dedicated to promoting research in these fields.
Wasagamack First Nation: Our Home and Native Land
Transformative Education for Pension Fund Trustees
Pension funds are generally viewed as the savings of employed workers that will provide them with deferred earning upon retirement. However, in addition, these vast pools of capital are a primary source of equity for the largest corporations in Canada, and internationally, for the largest corporations in the world. As such, they make a very limited contributed, besides the provision of benefits, to working peoples’ lives.